Four Ways to Maintain Your Water Heater

Throughout the year, we rely on our water heater to supply our property with hot water. When this unit or important appliance starts to malfunction, however, you will certainly notice.
Make sure your water heater is cleaned regularly.
If your water heater is clogged or experiencing issues with clogging due to rust or corrosion, it’s good to get it cleaned. Not only that, your water heater should get cleaned just for maintenance. It’s a good idea to get it cleaned to make sure the water heater is functioning properly.
Make sure it’s inspected three or four times a year.
Getting your water heater inspected is a necessary part of maintenance. Getting it inspected is a great way to know if anything’s going to happen in the near future. However, it’s also a great way to get a good check-in about your water heater. The Plumbing Doc is happy to help you by giving you an inspection, including checking any old parts and working up a full scope of diagnosis.
Flush Your Water Heater
Over time and extensive use, your water heater may start to experience minor concerns or issues. However, after repeated use, your water heater may start collect mineral deposits, sand, or other materials that may settle at the bottom of your unit. If this material isn’t flushed out regularly, then your unit may be losing a large amount of its capacity or not warming up your water enough. When you need your water heater flushed, contact the Plumbing Doc.
Make sure to insulate your pipes.
Insulating your pipes will ensure they regulate temperature well. Maintaining and regulating temperature is a great way to ensure your pipes are maintained and working properly. You don’t have to worry about your water heater overheating or becoming too cold during the winter. You don’t have to worry about insulating your pipes yourself; The Plumbing Doc is happy to come out and help you insulate your pipes.
Call The Plumbing Doc today if you need help maintaining your pipes or need some extra tips.